Interior Design for Your New Build Grand Design


Every interior design project brings with it challenges and rewards, and every whole home refurbishment project we complete brings our clients one step closer to creating their dream home. However, we feel that there is something very special about creating homes entirely from scratch; which is why we also specialise in new build interior architecture projects.

When constructing a new build our clients have the unique opportunity to oversee every minute detail of their home, from the foundations to the final soft furnishings scheme. Constructing a new build home is a ‘Grand Design’ project through and through. At Pfeiffer Design, we specialise in new build interior architecture and design and some of our favourite interior design projects have been built from the ground up. Our most successful interior design projects are those in which we get to work as part of a wider team of architects, structural engineers, and a main contractor to achieve our clients’ Dream Home.

What to expect throughout the design process

Creating your perfect home from scratch is a unique experience. Unlike houses that have been lived in for years and years, building a new home is a step by step process and there are many considerations to work through before you reach the end result. Though this may initially seem like a disadvantage, at Pfeiffer Design we love taking on new build projects, as we can oversee the project development, from concept to completion, with results that are truly worth the extra time and effort spent. We follow clear, methodical stages within our design process to ensure the project runs smoothly, and comes in within budget, without compromising on our clients’ ideas and vision. We also offer online interior design consultation services for your convenience.

Getting involved early in the project timeline

Deciding when to hire an interior designer in your new build project is a deliberation that all our clients contemplate. In our experience, clients benefit immensely from having our team of professional interior designers on hand in the early stages of their new build project to oversee each step in the building process right from the get-go. Working from the ground up means that your home is designed with your family in mind, remains within your budget and avoids issues that some build projects experience later down the line when considering the interior design retrospectively. If you are still unsure of at what point to engage an interior designer for your project, see our Journal post here for our advice


Working alongside your architect and main contractor

Building your dream home cannot be done with an interior designer alone. Professionals such as architects, structural engineers, and a main contractor (unless you really want to emulate Grand Designs and self-build, of course!) are necessary components to creating your new home. There is a huge amount of project coordination and project management involved between all parties. At Pfeiffer Design, we recommend engaging an interior designer who can manage the design and implementation of the interior elements of the project. This could involve all, or some, of the following elements: involvement in initial meetings with architects and structural engineers, putting together a detailed tender package, technical drawing packages for finishes, sanitary, joinery, tiling etc. and attending regular site meetings throughout the build. The benefit of which is, of course, a streamlined course of action, and professional and comprehensive relationship with all parties involved.

How do interior designers add value to new build homes?

Once the practical exterior design, calculations and necessary planning applications have been completed and submitted, the next stage is plotting out the interior architecture of the house, to ensure that it is ready for living. It can sometimes take renovators years to slowly transform each room of their home to suit their personal style, but with a new build, you have the luxury of creating your dream interior architecture right from the get-go.

If your property is also a new build home or requires a lot of renovation you may find that you need a team of interior designers, builders and architects to collaborate together. If this is the case, getting an interior designer involved sooner rather than later is hugely beneficial, as we can hire the architect or builders on your behalf.

Bring in character to a new build

Sometimes a newly built home can be in danger of feeling a little lacking in terms of personality and warmth when it is first constructed. Although the scale, proportion and modern technologies are a definite plus, without the charm of feeling lived in, it is possible for the new build homes to feel cold and empty. This does not have to be the case however. At Pfeiffer Design, we work with our client’s new build homes to breathe life and warmth into the structure in terms of fixed interior design elements, and finishes, making homes feel like they have been lived in for years, with all the mod-cons of a new home.

Creating a unified design

The fantastic thing about creating homes from the ground up, is that we can plan every detail to our clients’ exact specifications, without the limitations of an already formed space. Creating a new build home with the interior architecture considered from the start means that the design throughout the house is consistent, speaks the same design language and therefore is more impactful than if you were renovating a home room by room. From considered use of space to colour schemes that flow from kitchen to family and dining room, in varying saturations, we can create a beautiful living space that exudes personality and comfort.

Adding bespoke furnishings and finishes

Another brilliant benefit of creating a newly built home is that we can manufacture beautiful bespoke furnishings, and beautiful built-in joinery in luxury contemporary materials to create the most seamless result and a truly considered finish. With rooms mapped out from the start, bespoke fixtures, can work in tandem with the overall design ethos of the home to create a functional and sleek design; rather than being considered after the fact.

Unique decorative items

Whilst the grand designs of new builds often focus on the exterior construction element of the house, in our experience, creating the perfect home also consists of well-balanced interior design elements. Hiring an interior designer from the beginning, you can not only decorate the house once it is built, in terms of furniture and furnishings, but you can also factor in larger statement pieces and designs into the construction of the home. For example, a statement pendant light installation could be the dramatic sculptural piece your new home deserves, and something that is perhaps unattainable when it comes to a retro-fit.

Creating a one-of-a-kind home

New builds can sometimes be a little bit daunting, as the home itself is unchartered territory, and there may be a lot of work to be done. But this is what makes new builds so special – they reflect each individual family’s personal style and hard work. With every interior finish being a considered decision, a new build home is totally and utterly yours. At Pfeiffer Design, we are so proud to have helped so many of our fabulous clients turn their new build Grand Design dreams into reality.







Looking for interior inspiration?
Explore our recent work or contact us for a design consultation



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