New Year, New PfD Studio


We’re all quite glad to see the back of 2020 right? For us it’s not only saying goodbye to an incredibly tough year, but one of our busiest ever as a design studio – particularly since we’ve spent the last year working on our very own purpose-built interior design studio – and it’s finally finished!

We can’t wait to be able to welcome all our clients, friends and fabulous suppliers to experience our new studio for themselves. We hope that the space will provide a creative oasis for interior design, showcasing the latest designs and technologies, as well as a space in which to host events and seminars in the future.

We aim to keep the interiors fresh and contemporary, ever changing so that there will be something new to see every single time you visit us.

To read more about our Studio, click here, or check out our Instagram highlights, where we have been documenting the whole build from the ground up.


Looking for interior inspiration?
Explore our recent work or contact us for a design consultation



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A Room Tour with Houzz: Mid Century Modern Beach House

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Interiors and Well-Being: What Place for Technology in this Brave, New Design World?

It's finally here! Listen along to the podcast of our talk at Decorex 2023.

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Unveiling a Vibrant Oasis: Transforming a House into a Bold New Home

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Image for Inside The Studio: Take a Virtual Tour with Wildwood Media!

Inside The Studio: Take a Virtual Tour with Wildwood Media!

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