Susie Pfeiffer Becomes ‘British Institute of Interior Design’ Registered Interior Designer®

We’re a Registered Interior Designer

We’re having a seriously exciting week here in the Pfeiffer Design offices – Susie Pfeiffer has become a British Institute of Interior Design (BIID) Registered Interior Designer®!

Susie presented one of our favourite ever projects to a board of judges last week, and passed with flying colours. Being a BIID registered interior designer is highly regarded in the industry and a huge step forward for our small business.

BIID is a national body, upholding professional standards within the interior design industry. The Pfeiffer Design team are all justifiably proud of Susie for achieving such a high level of recognition within the industry – a sure sign of exciting things to come for Pfeiffer Design!

Looking for interior inspiration?
Explore our recent work or contact us for a design consultation



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